Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lydia's Baby Dedication

We had Lydia's baby dedication on September 21 at our church. It is such a special time for us because we are not only dedicating her to the Lord, but we arealso pledging to raise her to know and love the Lord. It is so important for us to teach her, guide her and be an example so that one day she will give her life to God and accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior! Talk about a big responsibility we have as parents.

Our family came to church that morning to be there and share in our special morning.

We stand at the front of the church and are introduced and then our preacher prays over all of us. Then we are all introduced and we are supposed to hold our baby up in the air for everyone to see. 

I was told it reminded people of the Lion King when I lifted her up! I just wanted to do a good job, and since she was only a month I could lift her high! 

We came back to our house and had lunch and all the cousins played and had a good time. I love my little family!!

Lydia slept through the dedication and through all of church, so when we got home she was ready to eat and was not so into taking pictures! Oh well, Momma was!!

1 comment:

Brettni Brumfield said...

Loving the matchy-matchy triplets!

I remember lifting Delta Mae up. Sweet, sweet memories made at FBC Rockwall. =)