Friday, December 18, 2015

SECOND ANNUAL Christmas Card Blog Linkup Party!

Hi ya'll!! Welcome to our Second Annual Christmas Card blog linkup party! I literally just put my Christmas cards in the mail today, so everyone that I mailed them to, the surprise has been ruined! Bahaha! I usually design my own, but this year I just didn't have the time. Most of you know that I am a photographer, and my photography lab has some great pre-made design layouts, so all I had to do was pop in my pictures and order and viola...all done! I love the custom aspect of designing my own, but the premade worked great for me this year. We took our family pictures this Summer in Ouray, Coloardo. It is such a beautiful place!

Thanks for stopping by! I am excited to look through all of your cards! Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Colorado Vacation - Part 2

After a day of playing at the ski resort at Purgatory we headed to Ouray. This is where I though Trey was going to stroke out!! It was a two lane highway on the side of the mountain with sharp turns, no guard rails, and at time the speed limit was 10 mph. It was beautiful if you could get over the fact that one veer to the side could send you to your death! No big deal!! =)

When we finally got to town we were able to relax. Colorado towns just have the cutest little stores and shops. They are all so old and have such beautiful architecture.

 Our cabin was about 15 minutes outside of town and tucked away. It didn't look like much from theoutside, but the inside was beautiful.

We got unpacked and settled in. We were up early the next morning and ready to go four wheeling. We went to Yankee Boy Basin and had a great time. We stopped for a picnic by the stream and let the kids play for a while. 

All the old mines and beautiful scenery are a photographers delight!

Trey stayed with the kids down at the stream and the rest of us went to the top of Yankee Boy. It is filled with wild flowers, which of course I didn't get any pictures of, and had beautiful views. Sad my little family stayed down and I didn't get a picture with them.

We went back down, got the rest of the crew and decided to drive up Governor Basin. It was pretty steep and narrow. Ella was riding with me and we had a fun time talking. 

It was beautiful at the top!

After a while we headed back down. This little one had a hard time staying awake!!

I love that my girls get to experience such a fun time riding four wheelers, climbing to the tops of snow covered mountains, playing in the dirt and getting messy. We were all covered in dirt after that trip and my mouth was filled with it! We went back to the cabin to rest and head out for more adventures!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Colorado Family Vacation - Part 1

Once again my family headed off to Colorado this Summer for a fun vacation. This years destination was Ouray, Colorado...16 hours away...with three kids...and an 11 month old!!! (What were we thinking!) The first day we drove to Amarillo and spent the night. The girls were so glad to get out of the car, but since it was 9:30 it was time to go to bed and get back at it in the morning. 

The next morning we left at 7 a.m. to head to Durango. We met my parents in Bloomfield, New Mexico and gave them two two biggest girls. We were headed to Durango, but my parents were going with my sister and her family to Mesa Verde, Colorado.

 The girls got to explore the old Indian villages with my parents. Of course the had a blast and Granny got them T-shirts, books, and stuffed animals.

We spent the day walking around downtown Durango and did a little shopping. My brother and sister-in-law were going to meet us for dinner and every restaurant we went to had over an hour wait. Then a sudden downpour had us trapped under an awning with no sign of relief. We called my brother and he picked us up. When we went to jump in his backseat we saw there were car seats so Trey and I wedged ourselves in the boys seat! That was fun! We ended up at IHOP. That was the very first time I have ever eaten at IHOP! 

After we left Durango we went to Purgatory. We had a BLAST!! 

We bought a pass so the girls could do 5 rides each. The first thing we did was the Alpine slide. I rode with Ella and Trey rode with Layla. Mom and Dad kept Lydia. You ride up the mountain on the ski lift and get on a sled and ride down a concrete slide back down to the bottom of the mountain. The girls were more nervous jumping on the moving sky lift and riding up than they were the slide. 

Next up was the trampolines. 

Ella was a little more nervous that the dare-devil, Layla. 

She wanted to go as high as you could go! She did this "ride" twice and on her second time she did a back flip!! No fear!

They also did the big balls and played on top of the water. This looked like a good work out. 

And a little rock climbing wall. 

And sweet little Lydia just hung out and played and looked adorable...what she does best. It was such a fun time. After we were all worn out we headed out to Ouray...and I prayed on multiple occasions for God to give me peace because those roads were no joke!