Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pleasing God

I ran across a blog today and I really liked it. It is First let me tell you that yesterday was a tough day. Ella did not want to mind. Layla only wanted to be held or nurse. The dishes and laundry are piling up, I need to finally get out thank you notes (WAY over due!!!), I need to get out birth announcements, and I need to finish editing photos from a recent photo session. Then, when I finally got a moment when Ella and Layla were napping I thought ahead, and trust me that has not been happening lately. I got out my breast pump and thought I would go ahead and pump for another photo session I have this coming Saturday. Well, I noticed my pump wasn't working and then I saw that is because the valve has been removed and without it one side does not work! UHHH! Are you kidding me? I really thought I was going to explode. I was not a pleasant person to be around the rest of the day.

I woke up this morning, yes with swollen eyes from crying, and prayed that God would give me a better attitude and just help me get through today. Flash forward four or so hours to Ella taking off her poopy diaper and smearing it in the carpet in her room while Layla was screaming. Instead of loosing it, I prayed. I prayed for patience and to respond in a loving manner instead of a mean one.

So, on to the blog I found. It is geared towards Moms, Christian Moms who want to raise Godly children. I read this question...Are we performing with the goal of going beyond expectations? I thought that was great. At my old job I wanted to be the best. I strived to please my boss. Well, who is my boss now? God! Am I striving to please him to the best of my abilities? Yesterday I was not. Here is more from the blog "What better Boss could we ever hope for than our amazing and inspiring God?  And, what better customers than our family could we ever serve?". Awesome! I think I just needed this today. I needed to be reminded that by being a stay at home Mom I am fulfilling God's calling for my life. I want my Children to see me as a Woman of God and I want to please God. My attitude yesterday was not pleasing, today I am trying!


Kati said...

Joy, I'm so sorry it's been so rough! I can't imagine having I'm still adjusting to one :> You are doing a great job I'm sure and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who "loses it" every now and then.

I'll have to check out the blog!

Amanda said...

Totally needed to read what you wrote this morning! The housework is piling up at our house and I'm only caring for one child and you have two! You're a great mom! Praying for you!