Friday, December 10, 2010

10 Days!!

In 10 days we will know if we are having a boy or girl!! I am so excited to find out. The girl name has been decided for a while now, but we are still going back and forth for the boys name. More than anything I am ready to see our baby. To know she/he is healthy and has ten fingers and ten toes and that everything looks great.

Trey, Ella and I will be at the appointment. Of Course at 23 months she doesn't understand the whole Momma's having a baby thing. She points to my stomach and says baby, but then does the same thing to herself. It will still be special to us that she is in the room when we find out. We were overjoyed when we found out she was a healthy girl and we know we are going to be just as excited with this one.

Trey is pulling for a boy, and of course I am pulling for a girl. Out of the 8 people I know that are pregnant right now, 4 are having a boy, one is having a girl and the others don't know yet. The countdown is on!!!

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