Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ella and Santa

Trey and I took Ella to see Santa on Saturday. I thought she would do better this year because she is so friendly where ever we go and loves to talk to people. I guess most people aren't walking around wearing bright red with a hat and beard. Plus, we see a lot of women and not to many big men.
All morning I would say "Ella, are you ready to go?" and she would always say yes. Then I would say "Do you want to go see Santa?" and she would say NO! I guess that should have given it away. We walked in the room where Santa was and I felt her grip tighten a little more around my neck. I told the photographer I was just going to hurry, put her in his lap and move out of the shot quickly. Well, I guess she didn't understand I meant to take it right away, because her 10 second delay did not help the situation. See...

WHen I picked her up she clung to me like her life was at stake! Poor thing! And just for a reminder, here is last years picture. Same Santa, same expression! She has changed SO much in the past year, except for her fear of Santa!! 

One day she will love to look back at these and laugh!

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