Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lydia is Three Months!

Sweet baby girl, you are three months old! Although most people think you are older because you are a big 'ol gal! You started off three months at 17 pounds and ended it at 20! You started the month barely squeezing into 6 months (only because I had some adorable outfits that I felt needed to be work more than once) and finished the month off in twelve months. You just kinda skipped over 9 months! 

This sweet outfit was your sister, Ella's. When I find out I was pregnant Mom and I went shopping and she bought Ella a cute frame that is still hanging in her room, and this adorable outfit. So, not only is it cute, but I have sweet memories of my Mom getting it for your big sister and her wearing it!

You are just all smiles and really are the happiest baby!

And you still sleep really great! Your favorite place to nap is on me! At night you go down anytime from 9:30-10:30 depending on whether I want to stay up and watch TV or not. And you sleep anywhere from 6-8 hours. You wake up, eat and go straight back to sleep though so it is not too bad.
After you wake up in the morning, which is 7:30 because we have to get Ella to school, you stay away for 2 hours and then go back to sleep for about an hour and a half. You take 2-3 other naps during the day and always sleep in the acr seat when we go get Ella from school. Poor baby #3, you really get a nap when and where you can.

You adore your sisters, and love giving them big smiles. 

You are still exclusively breast feed. You will not take a bottle or a paci. You don't really need a paci though because you rarely ever fuss. Only if you are tired or hungry, not even if you have a wet diaper.
 I cherish these snuggle times because already you are growing up so fast. You are just so sweet and cuddly!

Sweet baby I would have a million more children if they were just like you. I would absolutely freeze time if I could and keep you a baby forever! 

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