Ella and I left for Wichita Falls last Wednesday morning at 9:30 and have been going non-stop ever since! We arrived Wednesday, went to eat with my parents at Pioneer, and then ran a million errands with my mom to try and get ready for Jennie's baby shower I was hostessing on Saturday.
It seemed we ran all over town and Ella napped in her car seat while mom and I loaded and unloaded her from store to store in the 104 degree weather. Wow! It was so HOT! Wednesday and Thursday night we got stuff ready and I made a diaper cake and wrapped so many presents. Dad played with Ella and entertained her. He is soo crazy about her! Here is a pic of the diaper cake I made. These are so cute and make great centerpieces.

Thursday I got my hair done...finally. I had bad roots. Which seems to happen when you have dark brown hair and try to get your hair blonder for the summer. Oh well, Trey and my dad love it like this. Soon though I will get sick of the upkeep and go back to brown. We all went and ate lunch at the Oyster Bar. I love their hush puppies.
Friday night I went to dinner with my two of my best friends, Beth and Julie. We went to Los Tres Amigos, which by the way, has the worst service imaginable. My mom and I went there a few years ago and sat for 15 minutes and no one ever helped us so we finally got up and left. Not much has changed. I waited 10 minutes to place my drink order and another 10 once I told him what I wanted. I did get a large frozen margarita and it was oh so delicious! Anyways...back to my friends. Beth and I have been best friends basically since birth and Julie and I became friends when we were around 19. They loved on Ella and told me how beautiful she is and got her to laugh and smile and just made faces at her. It was nice to see them and go eat with them. Now that I have a baby it seems like it is always couples or a family outing, so it was nice to just be with the girls!
Saturday was the big event...Jennie's baby shower!!! Everything was so great, the house we had it at (Chuck & Cathy Heydrick) was just beautiful, there was a great turnout and Kyle and Jennie got a lot of great stuff for baby Hunter! Watching Kyle and Trey load Jennie's car afterwards was a sight to behold, but they managed to get it all in! Ella was so tired so Trey and I took her back to my parent's house and put that baby girl to sleep. She didn't sleep well, or nap well the whole time we were in town. My amazing baby who sleeps from 10:30 pm to 9:00 am disappeared and turned into a baby who wakes up at 1:00 am 3:00 am and 7:00 am and does not want to go back to sleep after that. (I think I know why now though...more on that later)
Here is my sister, my mom, my sister in law, me, Ella, and my brother.

And here is the expectant couple. Jennie is 33 weeks pregnant, so we will be meeting Hunter soon!!

The food...yummy!

And here is a close up of the cake. It had a baby deer on top with a fence around the bottom. You can't see it, but it had a 'No Hunting' signs on it. Hunter is definitely going to be a big hunter with my brother as his Dad and especially with my Dad as his Grandpa. He doesn't stand a chance.

Kyle did a great job entertaining Ella until she just got too fussy and I had to take her. Don't they look like they are having fun?

Sunday we celebrated my mom's birthday. My dad and brother cooked steaks and shrimp on the grill and I was stuffed! Us kids got mom a new Coach purse and Dad got her a GPS. That woman can get lost better than anyone. She has been to our house numerous times and still got lost the last time she came. Now, if only she will remember that she has it and will use it! We finally left around 4:30, had to stop at Kyle and Jennies to get Trey's truck and made it home around 7:45. Whew...we were all pooped.
So, now we are back to our usual daytime schedule. It's so good to see my parents and get to spend time with them and let them love on Ella, but it is good to be home too.